8 Powerful Argan Oil Benefits And Why You Should Use Them

Referred to by many users as “liquid gold,” argan oil is a supplement gaining rapid popularity. The argan tree (Argania spinosa) come from Morocco, particularly in Errachidia Morocco, where people used this oil since the old centuries. Now, the argan trees are also cultivated in regions of Israel, and the plant’s health benefits are known worldwide.

The Moroccan oil packs in beneficial contents such as essential fatty acids and vitamin E. Generally, people use if for hair and skin health making it famous among celebrities. However, not only the rich and famous can enjoy the amazing argan oil benefits. You too, can get this essential oil for a reasonable price in many stores and online shops.

argan oil benefits for the skin and face

Read on to discover different argan oil benefits and its uses.

Argan Oil Is An Excellent Skin Moisturizer

Pure argan oil serves as a great face moisturizer or toner. It can revitalize cracked and dry skin with content rich in vitamin E and A. It contains several additional nutrients, making argan oil a healthier choice than a simple vitamin treatment or supplement.

Antioxidants, omega-6 fatty acids, and linoleic acid are all present in argan oil. Specific antioxidants that can improve skin health include tocopherols, squalene, carotenes, and sterols.

The pure argan oil works gently and safe on your face, and is absorbed quickly by the skin, leaving no sticky residue. Apart from dry skin, this oil even works for people with oily skin types. Pure argan oil helps balance the skin’s natural oils and can slow down your body’s production of skin oils.

You can use Moroccan argan oil on your face, as a moisturizing lip balm, and even as a full body moisturizer. Argan oil is exceptionally useful on parts of the body that become dry or dehydrated easily, like elbows, knees, and feet.

Besides adding moisture to dry skin, it provides several benefits for the skin and even your overall health.

You can try this organic argan oil from Pura D’or for your face, hair, skin and nails.

How Should I Apply Argan Oil As A Face Moisturizer?

Use one drop of argan oil and massage it gently into the face and neck. After spreading the oil evenly, and before your skin has fully absorbed it, tap the argan oil into your face gently with your fingertips. This process helps your skin absorb the oil more effectively.

Around the eyes, use one finger to lightly tap under the eyes and over your eyelids. Your ring finger is the best to use since this finger is usually the weakest and applies less pressure on the skin.

Argan Oil Can Be A Skin Exfoliator

Apart from reaping argan oil benefits by using it as a facial and skin moisturizer, you can also use argan oil to make your own exfoliating scrub.

Exfoliation removes dead skin cells that may clog the pores and can give your skin a rough or flaky look. It is good to exfoliate a few times a month, but you should avoid exfoliating any more than twice a week.

If you have sensitive skin, use caution and check to see how your skin reacts first. You may need to use a product or scrub with more mild ingredients.

Try mixing the oil with brown sugar, sea salt, or oatmeal. Feel free to experiment and add other essential oils such as tamanu oil, olive oil, jojoba oil, castor oil and coconut oil to the mix!

After exfoliating, regardless of whether you have sensitive skin or not, be extra conscious of sun exposure. Keep sunscreen on hand. It’s a good idea to exfoliate at night before bed, so you aren’t immediately exposing your skin to sunlight and free radical agents when it’s vulnerable.

Use this muslin cotton cloths along with argan oil while cleaning your face or removing makeup.

Argan Oil Has Anti-Aging Skin Properties

Argan oil is touted as an anti-aging product largely because it contains high amounts of vitamin E. Vitamin E slows the aging process and can help prevent wrinkles. This nutrient protects the skin from free radicals, which refers to harmful molecules found naturally in our environment. [source]

Damage from free radicals can come from pollution, chemicals, or simply bacteria present in our food or water. It is impossible to avoid free radicals, but we can help our body become better equipped to fight them off.

The damage caused by free radicals is a primary cause of aging skin. Vitamin E protects the skin and encourages healing. It does so by repairing skin cells and increasing the oxygen supply to our skin cells, a process vital for healthy skin.

Vitamin E leaves your skin noticeably softer and more elastic. So try aragan oil to remove signs of aging in skin such as pigments and wrinkles.

Argan Oil Reduces Inflammation

Argan oil does not only moisturize and slow the aging process but it also reduces inflammation. The healthy fatty acids present in this oil tackle redness and swelling in the skin. Its natural anti-inflammatory properties make argan oil as an effective soothing agent razor burn or bumps.

The anti-inflammation properties of this oil also help with skin spots, including sun spots, age spots, and acne scars.

Check out this short instructional video on how argan oil helps reduce inflammation, how to apply it, and other inflammation-related conditions that argan oil may be useful in treating:

[intense_video video_type=”youtube” video_url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xe1Hfp7vHQc”]

Argan Oil Can Reduce Acne And Sebum

Anti-inflammatory products like argan oil are good for acne, too. It’s a good idea to treat your skin with a natural acne treatment. Many chemical cleansers and creams on the market today can be harmful to the skin in the long-run and are too strong for the face.

While you might feel hesitant about taking advantage of the argan oil benefits to clear your acne, which commonly comes from an excess of skin oil, argan oil reduces your sebum levels.

Sebum is just another word for “skin oil.” Your body secretes it from sebaceous glands located just under the skin. Every part of your body can release sebum. Excessive sebum production causes an acne-prone skin.

While many products falsely advertise the ability to get rid of sebum, skin care specialists will tell you that applying products to the skin does not affect sebum production. Hormones dictate how much sebum your glands secrete. [source]

People with oily skin might have glands particularly sensitive to hormonal changes or even a hormone imbalance.

Fortunately, argan oil does more than just moisturize the outside of your skin. The fatty acids present help regulate your hormones. For this reason, experts often recommend omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids for women suffering from PMS or menopause.

Researchers conducted a study on a sebum control cream containing argan oil. Among both female and male volunteers, the sebum control cream proved as effective in reducing sebum, less greasiness, and improved the appearance of oily skin. [source]

Use this moisturizer made of argan extracts to avoid acne and sebum.

Argan Oil Protects And Heals The Skin

Argan oil has been used for centuries in Morocco as an ointment to heal wounds. Today, people across the world continue to discover many argan oil benefits. Its healing properties make argan oil suitable for a variety of uses.

Many people use argan oil to reduce the appearance of scars and stretch marks. Both women and men can also use this oil on razor bumps and burns. It not only has a soothing effect on cuts and burns but also helps your skin heal faster.

Argan oil comes with powerful antioxidants and active ingredients like tocopherols, polyphenols, squalene, carotenes, and sterols. Antioxidants are known to stimulate healing, which is visibly noticeable on the skin. [source]

Argan oil is most effective in preventing stretch marks, but it can reduce existing marks, too. For preventing stretch marks, use two to three drops and rub gently on the skin, moisturizing the areas you normally do.

If you already have stretch marks, try rubbing some onto those areas before a bath and reapplying a small amount again afterward. You can also combine brown sugar with argan oil before your bath for a gentle scrub.

For razor burns or bumps, use one or two drops on the area and massage very lightly. You should be able to feel the soothing effect shortly.

Argan Oil Can Be Used To Condition And Style Hair

Argan oil moisturizes and strengthens hair, making it a great natural conditioner and shampoo. Both the argan oil shampoo and conditioner can help restore damaged cells and smooths the outer layer of the hair, making it more elastic.

You can also use argan oil as a styling agent or a leave-in conditioner. The oil’s ability to repair cells helps smooth frizzy hair.

Argan oil may even encourage hair growth. One research study found that the antioxidants in vitamin E helped participants who had been suffering from split ends and hair loss. The study focused on the vitamin E antioxidant tocotrienol. [source]

Researchers gave participants 100 mg of this antioxidant supplement orally once a day for eight months. By the end of the study, the control group showed a continued loss of hair, while the group taking the supplement experienced noticeable hair growth.

With all argan oil benefits for healthy skin, this essential oil is just as healthy for your scalp, an often forgotten part of skin care. Vitamin E and antioxidants present in argan oil can make argan oil supplements a good choice for hair growth.

You can also use the oil as a conditioner or leave-in treatment. Massage the oil gently into your scalp to stimulate growth and keep your skin healthy.

The amount of argan oil you use depends on your hair care needs, including its length, thickness, and texture. The oil is rich, so start with a drop and work your way up to higher quantities as needed.

Argan Oil Is A Wonderful Treatment For Hands And Nails

Argan oil is good for your hands, since it boasts impressive benefits for skin, but is also good for your nails. The oil improves nail and cuticle health with its high concentrations of vitamin E and vitamin A.

Treat your hands as you would any other part of your body. Begin moisturizing with just one drop, and massage thoroughly into your hands.

For the nails, you have a couple of options. Some people place a drop on each nail, smooth it out, and let it set. An easier method is to fill a wide bowl with argan oil and dip your nails into the oil.

You should let your nails soak for about 10 minutes. Afterward, remove your nails and wipe off the oil with a washcloth or paper towel.

Those who struggle with brittle or easily broken nails should try an argan oil treatment.

Argan Oil Benefits – Can Be Good For Heart Health And Diabetes

Edible argan oil is also becoming popular due to its health benefits. To address the body’s internal health, many people take argan oil supplements or add the oil to their regular diet.

Argan oil can keep your cholesterol at healthy levels. One study tested participants by first increasing their fat intake, and then giving them daily doses of argan oil. Argan oil significantly lowered triglyceride levels, one type of cholesterol, among the volunteers. [source]

You can also address diabetes and blood glucose levels with argan oil. One study compared the effects of fish oil and argan oil on obese rats with diabetes-like conditions. [source]

Researchers found that both oils resulted in improvements. Argan oil helped increase the rats’ metabolism and lowered their resistance to insulin.

An article published in the Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine reports that regularly consuming an edible form of argan oil can reduce your risk of contracting diabetes. [source]

What Kind Of Argan Oil Should I Buy?

You should be sure to purchase high-quality oil products. Some manufacturers dilute the oil or even replace most of it to make a profit. While you are shopping, look for 100% pure, cold-pressed argan oil.

Oil that has been cold-pressed means that the seed has not been altered before being pressed. In hot-press methods, the seed is roasted or processed under high heat, which can remove some of its nutritional value.

According to the Poland Institute of Agricultural and Food Biotechnology, using cold-press methods on oils is the most efficient way to retain their original benefits. [source]

How Should I Store Argan Oil?

Store argan oil away from direct sunlight. Keep the lid sealed tightly. Over time the quality of argan oil deteriorates, and you may not experience the full effect of its benefits. Generally, it is best to use the oil within six months of opening it.

Argan oil will last longer if it is stored in a container that doesn’t let in light. When purchasing argan oil, it is best to look for a product housed in a dark or opaque bottle. Light can cause the oil to deteriorate faster, so minimize the amount of light that can reach the oil.

Are There Any Side Effects Of Argan Oil?

There is a possibility that consuming argan oil might affect people with nut allergies. While argan isn’t technically a tree nut, it has some similarities to the nut family.

Argan oil is a healthy alternative to synthetic skin and hair products. If you haven’t experienced good results with commercial beauty products in removing acne, moisturizing the skin or achieving a shiny hair, maybe it’s time to try a healthier, natural alternative!