Carpets get dirty no matter what you do, whether it’s having pets in the house, children, or just walking through and using the room. You’ll get dirt, dust, debris, pet stains and who knows what else ground into the fibers and will have to spend hours trying to scrub them or vacuum them out. And as most of us know, cleaning products are quite expensive.
However, what if there was an easier way that didn’t require you to spend a fortune on buying carpet cleaner to put in your machine? Well, luckily for you, there is. You can make a homemade carpet cleaning solution yourself and you can do it a whole lot easier and cheaper than you might think. White vinegar, hot water, lemon juice, laundry detergent, fabric softener, soda, olive oil and a whole host of other household ingredients will make you look like a professional carpet cleaner in no time.
Following are some of the most popular — and most cost-effective — homemade carpet cleaner solutions available. Read on to learn more about quick homemade ways and homemade cleaning tips for carpet stain removal.
Option One
Step #1
If all you’re looking for is simple and easy then there’s one option that you should definitely take a look at. All you need for this DIY carpet cleaner are two simple ingredients and you’re going to be off and running.
- 1 part vinegar
- 1 part water
If you want something that smells a little better (and less like vinegar) you can also add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to get a nice sweet or fruity smell to go in your house. If you just leave the vinegar it will smell quite strong for a while but will mellow out as the carpets start to dry.
Step #2
With this solution, you just mix all of the ingredients together and add them to your carpet cleaner canister, spray bottle or tank. Use equal parts vinegar and water and a few drops of an oil and you can trust the machine to do the mixing pretty well for you.
You just clean like you normally would and enjoy the fresh, clean smell. If you’re interested in something non-toxic to use around your family this is a good option because all of the ingredients are safe and if you skip the essential oils they are also food safe.
Option Two
Step #1
Creating your own carpet cleaner is actually a lot easier than you might think, but the very first step is going to be a pretty obvious one, you need to get all of your stuff together so that you can start putting all the ingredients together, right? So, what are you going to need in order to get started?
- ¼ cup white vinegar
- 1 tbsp hydrogen peroxide
- 1 tbsp dish soap
- Warm water
If it sounds like a super simple cleaner, it’s because it is. There really are only four ingredients in it and you’re going to mix them together in small amounts to get a cleaning solution that really does get everything up off the floor.
Step #2
This is where you’re going to put the ingredients into your machine. It’s super easy to do this as well. You’re going to add in each of the ingredients besides the water first, pouring them into the bottom of your machine.
You don’t have to worry about mixing them even because that’s one great thing about a carpet cleaner; it does that part for you. Try to use a dish soap that doesn’t have a lot of dye because it could color your carpet if you’re not careful. When you’ve added everything else, put in as much warm water as your carpet cleaner needs to run (don’t overfill it but follow the directions).
Step #3
Start cleaning just like you normally would with the carpet cleaner. Your solution is designed to get out all of the carpet stains and help really get in deep into the fibers without just leaving behind a whole lot of soap and carpet shampoo, which can cause even more debris (though of a different kind).
You’ll be able to get it all through the carpet and then back up and out, which is definitely a benefit.
Option Three
Step #1
Just like with the last one you’re going to start by gathering all of your ingredients together. For this carpet cleaner recipe, you’re going to need a few more but you’re definitely going to have some great cleaner all ready for whatever you might need next.
- 2 tbsp liquid laundry detergent
- ¼ cup liquid all-purpose cleaner
- 1 scoop powdered stain remover
- 1 gallon hot water
All of these ingredients together are going to make a high-powered stain remover that you can easily put together yourself and then store in a gallon jug to use as needed in your carpet cleaner.
Step #2
Take all of the ingredients except the water and mix them together in a pail or gallon jug. One mixed, slowly add the water and continue mixing until the powder has completely dissolved. Once it’s the same consistency, you can pour it into a jug for use
when you next want to clean your carpets. Just make sure that you only use about ¼ cup of this solution with about a gallon of water in your carpet cleaner (or keep that same ratio at least).
Step #3
When you’re ready to clean the carpets take a moment to measure out ¼ cup and add it to your canister for the carpet cleaner. Pour in one gallon of water or add in consistent ratios to get the amount of water and solution that you need.
You’re ready to start cleaning and you’ll definitely notice a lot of difference in the stains and dirt that you’re able to get out of your carpets with this option. It’s not designed for those who prefer more natural options, however.
Once you’ve had a chance to try out this type of carpet cleaning solution for your machine you’re definitely not going to go back to just scrubbing or vacuuming your carpets again. You’re going to be impressed with how great everything looks and you’ll definitely be impressed with how much money you’re saving by taking things into your own hands and doing it all yourself. Why shouldn’t you create your own homemade carpet cleaning solution instead of buying some expensive products from the store? Well, now you can.
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